Matéria "As Promessas do mRNA" | Revista Superinteressante Ed. 437

[PT] Ilustrações para a matéria de capa "As Promessas do mRNA", sobre o desafio de usar as vantagens da tecnologia do RNA mensageiro, que estreou nas vacinas da Covid, para tratar diversas doenças – de colesterol a câncer, de gripe a síndromes genéticas raras. Publicada na edição 437 da revista Superinteressante, em março de 2022.
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[EN] Illustrations for the cover story "The Promises of mRNA", about the challenge of using the advantages of messenger RNA technology, which debuted in Covid vaccines, to treat various diseases - from cholesterol to cancer, from the flu to rare genetic syndromes. Published in issue 437 of Superinteressante magazine, in March 2022.
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Story: Bruno Garattoni e Tiago Cordeiro 
Illustration: Gustavo Pedrosa
Design and Art Direction: Natalia Sayuri Lara

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